Sendio eMail Integrity.

Inbox Continuity
28 day archive of sent/received email

Sendio allows your employees to stay connected to business clients even if your on-site mail server has an issue.

While your mail server is offline, Sendio continues to receive inbound email on behalf of your organization, and users can view these new emails from their Sendio web interface. In addition, Sendio stores up to four weeks of inbound and outbound emails, and users can view all of these previously delivered emails during the mail server outage. Once your mail server outage is restored, the new emails that have been spooling on Sendio are delivered safely to your mail server.

As we have stated, Sendio effectively provides four weeks of email archiving for any emails entering or leaving your organization. So, even if your mail server is running well, but a single email happens to get lost due to partial database corruption on the mail server or human error it is still retrievable from Sendio and can be re-delivered to your mail server.

Coming Soon

Sendio’s Business Continuity will undergo further feature additions in early 2014. For a nominal license fee per user, the Sendio web interface can be used as a full webmail interface in order to compose new emails and reply to existing emails stored within Sendio. So, even during a mail server outage users can seamlessly communicate with their clients, and the client will not be aware of the mail server outage at your site.